About ACI

The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a nonprofit technical and educational society organized in 1904 and is one of the world's leading authorities on concrete technology. ACI is a forum for the discussion of all matters related to concrete and the development of solutions to problems. ACI conducts this forum through conventions and meetings; the ACI Structural Journal, the ACI Materials Journal, Concrete International, and technical publications; chapter activities; and technical committee work. As its chartered objective states, its purpose is "to provide a comradeship in finding the best ways to do concrete work of all kinds and in spreading that knowledge.

ACI Lebanon Chapter

Our chapter consists of a group of professional people formed of contractors, consultants, suppliers and others. This chapter is a non-profit organization.

The chapter activities consist of local and regional conferences, regular training courses accompanied with ACI certificates, networking, university lectures, technical assistance to its members and many others.

Competitions are held regularly encouraging the participation of different parties.

Board elections are held biyearly. Become a chapter member and benefit from the many awards accompanying your registration and help us grow as a chapter.